Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Farewell to Steve Jobs, life without you would have been very different.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Weeding, how to weed a garden

No easy way around it, just bend over and pull.

have a great weekend.
Rob Barrett

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to hammer out a copper bowl

This is one of my favorite things to do. Try it, you'll be surprised how easy and beautiful it is.

Monday, May 23, 2011

How to Get a Humming Bird to Sit in Your Hand

I was a patient boy, my brother and sister might question that statement, but I could sit for hours, silently, without moving a muscle until a hummingbird would come and sit in my hand.
And you can do it too. Here's how:
Buy a nice Hummingbird feeder, one with hopefully a well to keep out the ants.

Make a Hummingbird Holder (optional)

Rob Barrett with a Hummingbird
Let a couple days go by until the birds find it. What's amazing is you'll notice they aren't afraid of humans. Once they start feeding at it, start to sit nearer and nearer to it eventually until you are right next to it.  Hold your finger under the spot where the birds feed.  Once one is feeding right above your finger you can actually push it up under the bird until it sits on it. They have no fear.

Try it, there's nothing like it.
Live well,
Rob Barrett, Jr.

Who you looking at?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Winter Fail

And lo, life bursts forth from lingering naught
escaping the winter's long draining draught.
For blight and white can not for long withhold
the force that slips from the creative fold.
From both the thin places and dry places
it seeps with yellowy smiling faces
shaking off the drips of vernal slumber
to replicate without heed to number
and sow the seed, thrusts of generations,
the oft coughing cause from seminations.
It cannot be denied its inspiring
the fruit and figs of our youth's deriving.
Spring forth and shout in utter glee
for winter has lost another fight with thee.

©2011 Rob Barrett, Jr.