From Bad to Good.
Most churches don't like it when their walls get tagged. New Hope Church is doing it with a purpose.
Tagging - the practice of leaving one's mark on the world by spray painting graffiti on a wall or structure. This human desire to have significance plays out in destruction in so many cities across the country. But what can be meant for bad can be made good.
This Easter, New Hope Church is using graffiti to illustrate that. Using the skills of a graffiti artist from the surrounding area, the church is creating a tagged wall mural that illustrates the meaning of the Easter season. Images from the holiday will be spray painted in urban style on the wall facing highway 169. While some of the images might be disturbing, the church hopes to make people think in a new way about the transforming power of the holiday. If God can take tagging and graffiti and use it for good, what can he do for each of us?
Come see the mural during the weeks leading up to the Easter Services starting on Thursday, March 25th.
New Hope Church, on the northeast corner of highway 169 and Rockford Road, New Hope MN.